Rabu, 29 November 2017


Unlike the rest of us who are bound to hit crossroads right after graduation to decide what to do next, this young man, has an aim to pursue his dreams, but only if he is released from prison.
Jim, whose name has been changed to protect his privacy, was sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment after murdering his girlfriend’s stepfather for sexually harassing her in 2006. But three years later, his sentence was amended to detention at the pleasure of the Ruler.
Recently, Jim woke up to jitters of going up on stage to receive his scroll, donning his graduation robe instead of his usual prison uniform. He dedicated his success to his family who had always supported him.

Jim never gave up even though he was imprisoned and said the experienced helped him be a better person.

“I studied because I hope that one day if I’m freed, I would have the skills to help my family, who have strongly supported me for the past 14 years I’ve been jailed.
“Not everyone has that kind of family support. I love them very much and I hope that I have the chance to show them my love and gratitude if I’m released,” The Star reported him saying.
If and when he is released, Jim hopes to contribute to society by sharing his experiences with others so they will not go down the same path.
“My advice to other youngsters would be to put your family first. Learn from the elders,” said Jim, who received his Master’s degree in business administration at the Open University Malaysia (OUM) recently.
Next year, Jim hopes to continue his doctorate and wishes for the community to give another chance to inmates like himself, as the stigmatisation by the public is not something he fears of, but what’s concerning him is ensuring he has confidence within him and realising how much he has changed since the tragedy.
“I have learnt to control my emotions and I can influence other young inmates to be better,” said Jim, as he discovered his influence has motivated his friends to study instead of wasting their time doing nothing.
Selangor and Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur prison director Darussalam Budin said for juvenile offenders such as Jim, the appeal is filed annually and fortunately for Jim, he has gained many good qualities that would help him in his appeals, he said.
“The prison system helped him to learn to manage his emotions and he has also learnt to be patient.
“Due to his education, he feels that there is no stigma from society, he accepts the community and he can reintegrate,” said Darussalam to local media.

OUM has been working with the Malaysian Prisons Department to help prepare inmates for their return to the community, and as of now, 38 inmates from Kajang, Bentong and Sabah prisons have pursued higher education.
We at Malaysian Digest praise Jim on his outstanding achievement and pray that the odds will be in his favour.
Via :malaysiandigest.com
link: http://www.malaysiandigest.com/news/709872-this-prisoner-earned-his-master-s-degree-while-in-prison.html

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